Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Another Month

I tried hard not to think about trying to conceive this month and I tried really hard not to take the ovulation tests that were tucked away in a drawer in my bedside table, knowing that if I slipped up and took one test I wouldn't be able to stop. Well, I took one test then another and another until yesterday, I got a positive. I didn't know how to feel, I was finally at terms with our decision to take a break so I did what I usually do and I talked to a few of my twitter mamas and decided to just go with the flow, if it was meant to happen it would happen.

When S got home from work I told him and we talked about it, becasue even though I was ready to go for it he might not have been. We decided that we didn't want to miss an opportunity, we have been trying for this long, might as well keep trying. I am feeling really optimistic this time, I am calm and relaxed (and a little horny ;) ) 

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is our month, and I appreciate all the love, support and baby dust from all of you. Now you just have to keep me busy for the next 2 weeks and what ever you do DO NOT let me take a pregnancy test until I have missed my period...That is your mission, do you accept it? It won't be easy.

Monday, March 28, 2011


I have rejoined you ladies, and men, in the blogosphere! Excited? I sure am.

Since I will be spending less time on twitter and more time doing things around the house and with C during the day, I figured this would be a great way to keep you all informed of what's going on with us.

But don't worry I will still be on twitter, just not as often.
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